
Andrew Hall- Ionic Winds Shaped the Earth

Andrew Hall: Ionic Winds Shaped the Earth | Space News

In the first three parts of this presentation, Thunderbolts colleague Andrew Hall has explored the electrical nature of wind and powerful storms on Earth, and on planets throughout the solar system.

Of course, geologists tell us that winds played a significant role in shaping the landscape of our planet, supposedly incrementally over countless eons of time.

However, as Andrew has proposed in numerous past videos, the Earth’s wind-sheared landscape reveals unique patterns which may have been produced by ionized shock waves in primordial electric storms.

In part four of this ten-part series, Andy proposes a new perspective on wind in Earth geology, not as a slow erosional force, but a short-lived and violent one.

Andrew Halls website: https://thedailyplasma.blog/

Thunderblog, “Wind Maps”: https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2019…

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