
Peter Mungo Jupp: Instant Fossilization

Peter Mungo Jupp: Instant Fossilization

Peter Jupp will discuss petrification as instantaneous and under the control of dynamic Earth-shaking events. What have we found on Earth to demonstrate this hypothesis? A forest of giant trees turned to solid rock. A soft-bodied crab petrified to rock and enclosed in the center of a basalt Thunderegg. Dinosaur remains that conceal a heart replete with chambers but turned to iron. A shoal of fish in their death throes petrified within the limestone. Was their end instantaneous and more importantly what force of nature created this scenario? Classically, geological time is the vehicle cited but Peter will show that there is compelling evidence for a new paradigm.

Peter ‘Mungo’ Jupp is an Australian archaeologist who majored in Archaeology at the University of Melbourne (BA) and also attended their School of Creative Arts where he studied filmmaking techniques and production. In earlier years, he studied Applied Chemistry at RMIT and later fine arts at Chisholm Institute of Technology. In his commercial career, he lectured in Medical Imaging at the Sydney University School of Radiology. Wide scientific knowledge was gained while working for Siemens medical, Hewlett-Packard medical, Toshiba medical, ATL, and Medtel. The resulting culmination of knowledge in areas such as magnetic phenomena, chemistry, and biology, as well as ancient history and mythology, powerfully informs his unique slant on archaeology.


Peter has produced 22 films on “Ancient Destructions,” following his passionate interest in uncovering lost human and earth eras. These films can be viewed on his subscription website: www.mungoflix.com Peter also writes articles on catastrophism themes at his other website: www.ancientdestructions.com. To view all EU2017 conference presentations for $29USD, go to www.electricuniverse.live If you see a CC with this video, it means that subtitles are available. To find out which ones, click on the Gear Icon in the lower right area of the video box and click on “subtitles” in the drop-down box. Then click on the subtitle that you would like.

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