
Truth about Michael Jackson – Entering Neverland (2019 Documentary)

The rebuttal to “Leaving Neverland” and exposing the TRUTH about Michael Jackson.
Entering Neverland will cover who the King really is, why the media lies about him, and the lies Wade Robson & James Safechuck are telling
is what they don’t want you to see!

#MichaelJackson #LeavingNeverland




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razorfist 2


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Michael Jackson Rebuttal (Part 3): Skeeving Slumberland



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DEBUNKING NEVERLAND: With Taj and Brandi Jackson


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100% PROOF That the Media Will Stop At NOTHING TO See Micheal Jackson’s Legacy Is DESTROYED!


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Michael Jackson’s Nephew Slams Leaving Neverland, Calling Documentary a ‘One-Sided Hit Job’

Jackson’s nephew Taj Jackson, 45, has repeatedly and vehemently denounced the allegations made in the documentary.

“My family and I have known Wade and his family since he came to America. Don’t tell me a 4 hour one sided hit job that you watched is more reputable than people who actually knew him and saw his interactions,”  “This is all about money and the desperate need to be relevant again.”

“After years of coaching and studying for these roles, I’m sure Wade (self proclaimed “Master of Deception”) and Jimmy both gave Oscar winning performances today,”

“Media, please do a 10 minute google search before you condemn an innocent man who is no longer here to defend himself.”

Leaving Neverland isn’t a documentary, it is the kind of tabloid character assassination Michael Jackson endured in life, and now in death. The film takes uncorroborated allegations that supposedly happened 20 years ago and treats them as fact. These claims were the basis of lawsuits filed by these two admitted liars which were ultimately dismissed by a judge,”

“The two accusers testified under oath that these events never occurred. They have provided no independent evidence and absolutely no proof in support of their accusations, which means the entire film hinges solely on the word of two perjurers.”

“Tellingly, the director admitted at the Sundance Film Festival that he limited his interviews only to these accusers and their families. In doing so, he intentionally avoided interviewing numerous people over the years who spent significant time with Michael Jackson and have unambiguously stated that he treated children with respect and did nothing hurtful to them. By choosing not to include any of these independent voices who might challenge the narrative that he was determined to sell, the director neglected fact checking so he could craft a narrative so blatantly one-sided that viewers never get anything close to a balanced portrait,”

“For 20 years, Wade Robson denied in court and in numerous interviews, including after Michael passed, that he was a victim and stated he was grateful for everything Michael had done for him. His family benefited from Michael’s kindness, generosity and career support up until Michael’s death. Conveniently left out of Leaving Neverland was the fact that when Robson was denied a role in a Michael Jackson themed Cirque du Soleil production, his assault allegations suddenly emerged.

“We are extremely sympathetic to any legitimate victim of child abuse. This film, however, does those victims a disservice. Because despite all the disingenuous denials made that this is not about money, it has always been about money — millions of dollars — dating back to 2013 when both Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who share the same law firm, launched their unsuccessful claims against Michael’s Estate. Now that Michael is no longer here to defend himself, Robson, Safechuck and their lawyers continue their efforts to achieve notoriety and a payday by smearing him with the same allegations a jury found him innocent of when he was alive.”


MJ fam – here we are in 2019, the 10-year anniversary of my Uncle’s passing. We all knew this would be a difficult year for so many of us worldwide. Instead of being able to mourn and properly celebrate and honor Michael Jackson, we are, again, being forced to educate the media and the general public with the evidence-based truth about him.
Once again, we have to defend Michael Jackson’s name and legacy from vicious and calculated lies.  We can no longer sit back and wait for the ‘right thing’ to be reported or for someone else to step in and champion our cause. This is on us – fans, friends and family. I know that the unanimous acquittals and the FBI’s 10-year investigation (resulting in my Uncle’s complete exoneration) should have been enough. The worst thing we can do is let this continued slander go unchallenged.
I know that when we as a group are united, we are unstoppable.
So I need your help.


Michael Jackson was arguably the greatest musical entertainer of all time. His success and influence was felt all over the world, from the US to the UK, from India to Egypt. He broke down racial barriers and changed culture forever. He was one of the most famous human beings who ever lived. For the last 15 years of his life he was subjected to false, malicious allegations of child abuse. He successfully defended himself against those allegations and died an innocent and exonerated man, but they took their toll nonetheless.

Years after he was killed by his doctor, two men who had resolutely defended Michael’s innocence in life, tried and failed, to win financial settlements from his posthumous estate. After having their bogus abuse allegations (undermined by a wealth of evidence demonstrating the contrary) dismissed by the court, they have now turned to HBO, the UK’s Channel 4 and the Sundance Film Festival. These three reputable organizations have sadly compromised their Brand’s integrity by announcing they will provide a platform for a ‘documentary’, through which these two accusers – who have accrued large legal debts to the estate they tried and failed to extort – are still seeking to profit from their already discredited stories.

Michael Jackson died an innocent, vindicated man. The world needs to understand this most important and basic fact. The world also needs to understand the damage that is done to legitimate victims of abuse when self-confessed liars are not only allowed to profit from false allegations, but are given a platform to pontificate their fraudulent claims.
In an effort to settle this injustice – and to create a historic tome that will be a resource for anyone interested and willing to learn THE TRUTH about Michael Jackson’s indisputable innocence– I’m creating a documentary series that explodes the myths once and for all.


This explosive documentary series will conclusively destroy decades of salacious myths which have been told and sold about Michael Jackson ad nauseam. In doing so, we will shine a light on the corruption within the media and entertainment industries which conceived and perpetuated them. Falsehoods like:

“I heard Michael Jackson paid a settlement to avoid a criminal trial for child abuse” Wrong.

“I heard the boy described Michael Jackson’s genitalia accurately” Wrong.

“I heard Michael Jackson paid over 200 million to as many as 20 victims” Wrong.

Almost everything the public thinks it knows about Michael Jackson is wrong.

For decades, the media has dealt in sensationalized stories about the King of Pop. Could you blame them? He is, quite simply, the biggest celebrity the world has ever known. Those sensationalized stories earned the media billions of dollars.

But at what cost?

Michael has been dead now for almost a decade, but many of the most damaging fake stories remain part of the public consciousness, causing continual damage to his legacy – not to mention his children, who have had to grow up watching the world embrace and perpetuate these horrific falsehoods. Tarnished again by HBO, Channel 4 and the Sundance Film Festival, all of whom have gone into business with two proven liars and purgers who are seeking to personally profit from already discredited abuse allegations.

The time has come to take action and formally correct the record – before it’s too late. The history books are already being written and many of them read like grim fairy tales. Provable falsehoods are recycled time and again as facts. Remember, we only know Mozart, Bach, Debussy or Beethoven by what we have read from available resources. Hundreds of years from now, people will look up Michael Jackson’s name and music. We owe it to future generations to provide a resource, built on evidence-based facts, that will stand the test of time.

This documentary series will be the definitive historic record of the most discussed aspects of Michael Jackson’s private life, placing the most controversial stories under the microscope, tracing their origins and dissecting how and why the media’s narrative diverged from the truth. Unlike decades of sleazy tabloid stories, which were propped up by washed-up former friends and employees in return for fat paychecks from the media, this documentary series will feature exclusive interviews with first-hand witnesses who have never spoken publicly before and are doing so now purely out of a desire to set the record straight, not because somebody has offered them $50,000 to say something controversial. The series will also draw on thousands of pages of official, legal documents, which tell a completely different story then the one which played out on tabloid newspapers’ front pages.

The episodes will not sugarcoat Michael’s difficult life. He experienced a lot of physical and emotional pain and that had sad repercussions. To deny that would be just as dishonest as the media’s sensationalist version of events.

Equally, this series will not shy away from pointing the finger of blame for many of Michael’s darkest hours where it truly belongs. It will reveal how Michael was betrayed, entrapped, extorted and abused throughout his life>  You will hear the stories that the media never bothered to tell you about because of their obsessive preoccupation   of mercilessly bullying and ridiculing him.

What’s the real story behind the 1993 sexual abuse claim?

What is the real truth about that 1994 settlement?

What really happened in the courtroom during his 2005 trial?

What is the real motivation and who are the players behind Wade Robson and Jimmy Safechuck?

And, crucially, how – and why – did the media mislead you at every turn?

The answers to these questions will shock and disgust you. In fact, this series could prove to be the most searing exposé of media and showbiz corruption that the world has ever seen.


“Why should I donate? Can’t so and so fund this?”

While trying to secure funding, I have looked into several alternative opportunities and scenarios. Unfortunately , any corporation and/or outlet with the available funding would, most probably, want creative and editorial input. The purpose of this project is to present a factual delivery of events from people that lived it and knew it – including me.

Unfortunately, experience have left me mistrustful of external influences and I know the majority of you feel the same.  Michael Jackson’s true history needs to be told without manipulation and restrictions. We need to be able to tell the story, free and clear, without biased media.


I am the oldest nephew of Michael Jackson. I had the privilege to have grown up extremely close to my uncle and was always a loyal friend and ally to him throughout his entire life. I also had a front seat to what the negative media and allegations put him through.  I lived with him during the whole 2005 trial.

As a sexual abuse victim (from my uncle Chuck on my mom’s side of the family), I know what it means to be a survivor. I also know what kind of damage sexual misconduct leaves upon the victims.  This unique position makes me even more determined and qualified to make the truth, the whole truth known about my uncle Michael’s false allegations.

My uncle’s last words to me were…
“After this, we’re doing films.”
Never did I think that a decade later necessity would require me to direct a film about his proven innocence.


My plan is to start immediately and have the series completed as quickly as possible. This will be a huge undertaking for me, especially with a 2 month old baby girl. However it is also my absolute honor and I feel duty-bound to dedicate 2019 to setting the record straight with this series.


As many of you will know, a documentary of this size and scale will not be cheap.

What will your contribution help to fund?

– Hiring key players for the production team.
– Travel expenses for filmed interviews and meetings.
– Verifying stories and new information.
– Securing licensing and video clips.
– Video and audio editing.
– A comprehensive, international marketing and PR campaign (live and digital) that will make it impossible for audiences, targeted and otherwise, to ignore.
– Distribution, locally and internationally.

MJFam, this is what we have been waiting for and the time is now. Join me on this crusade to bring justice, once and for all, to the legacy of Michael Jackson.

“Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.”—Michael Jackson


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