GameSpot Trailers Published on Jun 9, 2019 Check out the cinematic trailer shown at the Xbox E3 2019 briefing featuring Keanu Reeves! Mark your calendars — Cyberpunk 2077, the open-world, action-adventure story from CD PROJEKT RED, is coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC April 16th, 2020. In the most dangerous megacity of the future, the real you is not enough. Become V, a cyber-enhanced mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant — the key to immortality. Customize your cyberware […]
Over the weekend just about everyone has been trying to jump on the faux anger train about cyberpunk 2077, Anita Sarkeesian tried to flex on Cyberpunk 2077 and it went hilariously while it’s creator flexed on everyone else.
UN expert says “collective persecution” of Julian Assange must end now GENEVA (31 May 2019) ‑ A UN expert who visited Julian Assange in a London prison says he fears his human rights could be seriously violated if he is extradited to the United States and condemned the deliberate and concerted abuse inflicted for years on the Wikileaks co-founder. “My most urgent concern is that, in the United States, Mr. Assange would be exposed to a real risk of serious […]
JULIAN ASSANGE FOUND UNRESPONSIVE IN BELMARSH PRISON A lawyer for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told a U.K. court Thursday that he was too ill to appear via video link at an extradition hearing about possible transfer to the United States. Lawyer Gareth Peirce told Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London that Assange was “not very well.” The United States is pursuing a range of criminal charges against Assange, including a violation of the Espionage Act. WikiLeaks said in a statement that […]
Irving Wolfe: Introduction to Velikovsky’s Ideas Dr. Irving Wolfe will review Immanuel Velikovsky’s contributions to a broad-ranging discourse in the sciences. Why did Velikovsky’s best-selling Worlds in Collision provoke one of most heated scientific controversies of the 20th century? Why did the gatekeepers of “acceptable” theory feel compelled to mobilize a boycott of the original publisher? And is it possible that Velikovsky’s own perspective on cultural amnesia can help us understand the reactions to his work? Modeling his analysis on […]
John Lautner, FAIA (1911-1994) John Lautner was one of the most important American architects of the twentieth century, and perhaps one of the most misunderstood. His career spanned fifty-five years and left an indelible mark on the built environment of Southern California. Lautner was born in 1911 and raised in Marquette, Michigan. His remarkable natural surroundings made a deep and lifelong impression. He had his first building experience at the age of twelve, when he helped his father construct a […]
A Role for Endogenous Electric Fields in Wound Healing RichardNuccitelli This review focuses on the experimental evidence supporting a role for endogenous electric fields in wound healing in vertebrates. Most wounds involve the disruption of epithelial layers composing the epidermis or surrounding organs in the body. These epithelia generate a steady voltage across themselves that will drive an injury current out of the wounded region, generating a lateral electric field that has been measured in four different cases to be […]
It’s not a shock: Better bandage promotes powerful healing Materials science and engineering professor Xudong Wang fits a new wound dressing around the wrist of graduate student Yin Long. The device stimulates healing using electricity generated from the body’s natural motions. Photo by Sam Million-Weaver A new, low-cost wound dressing developed by University of Wisconsin–Madison engineers could dramatically speed up healing in a surprising way. The method leverages energy generated from a patient’s own body motions to apply gentle […]
[KGVID][/KGVID] dancer: TALIYA BRIANNA cinematography|edit|direction|concept: KEATH I wanted it to feel like a music box. This choreography was for her college admission audition. the actual piece is more fully developed/performed than what we did here. We were sketching trying to develop a vernacular that fuses her movement with film/video. it was difficult performing in the sand with her footing…but i was really happy with the footage and more importantly just being out there filming with the sisters and mom. it […]
…was invited by the cool folks over at the comic bug to attend the late Stan lee‘s Los Angeles ComicCon. Had fun, met some good peeps and although I wasn’t in photogazm mode we did manage to get a few… That’s it til next time. peAce+B wylde [aesop_gallery id=”9867″ revealfx=”fromleft” overlay_revealfx=”fromright”]