
Category : FILM

10 Oct 2018

Heart attack through ‘evil fats’? Dr. Campbell-McBride [2 of 3]

  Heart attack through ‘evil fats’? Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride For the last 40-50 years, we have fought against “bad” cholesterol and “evil” fats. Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride explains how useful and healthy cholesterol is for us: it reduces the risk of heart attack, prevents arteriosclerosis and can even increase fertility. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Cambridge, England at the 21st International “New Scientific Outlook” World Congress 2016, Ulm, Germany, 04.11.2016  

08 Oct 2018

Down To Earth documentary – The Science of Grounding

Excerpts from another great documentary on grounding. Full movie coming soon at http://downtoearthdocumentary.com/ Visit http://www.groundology.com for more information, research & advice on how to get grounded.

30 Sep 2018

Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage — The Physics of Emotions

Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage The Physics of Emotions | EU2017 Most people have heard of the “mind/body connection” and are aware that emotions affect the way people act. However, few can describe how that works. What is relatively new is our understanding that emotions are stored in and around the body as magnetic fields. Not only do these magnetic fields cause the biochemical effects noted above, but they also block the flow of voltage in the associated muscle battery […]

10 Jul 2018

La Jetée (1962)

[KGVID]http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/La-jetée-1962-Chris-Marker.mp4[/KGVID] La Jetée (French pronunciation: ​[la ʒəte]) (“The Jetty”, here referring to an outdoor viewing pier at an airport) is a 1962 French Left Bank science fiction featurette by Chris Marker. Constructed almost entirely from still photos, it tells the story of a post-nuclear war experiment in time travel. It is 28 minutes long and shot in black and white. It won the Prix Jean Vigo for short film. Cast Directed by Chris Marker Jean Négroni as narrator Hélène Chatelain as […]

07 Jul 2018

Protected: Betty Blue 37° 2 le matin

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05 Jul 2018

Purple Dawn & Saturn Cosmology Episode 5 part 2 Twilight of the gods

The 2nd part of the Purple dawn and Saturn cosmology video This is the 5th installment of the series. In this episode, I read from the first chapter from Holden and Mclachlan Cosmos in collision which is really good if your interested in this subject. Then I show a few clips together of David Talbott’s video from the 90’s the spellbinding ” Remembering the end of the world” that to me is a masterpiece, I feel I may have shown […]

06 Feb 2018

Protected: members only

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

28 Dec 2017

synth2 2018 reflux

this is a tangental.hyperlinked.subnet. data contained herein may or may not be linear or accurate. this is your only warning The gynoid synthetic femme project started as a co development project with two goals: a programmable synthetic humanoid for warfare and espionage, as well as a covert political sexual entrapment device in order to maintain corporate control over the tools of government. This subnet contains data relating to the ongoing subversion of human sovereign evolution by government/wexlercorp and their attempt […]

28 Dec 2017

EVANGELION: another impact

Evangelion: Another Impact anime short via the Japan Animator Expo, A second short Making of evangelion: Another Impact shows the process behind the short film. Concept / plot: “Another time, another place. An activation test of a decisive weapon was underway. With its development and operational trials shrouded in complete secrecy, the Another Number – Unit Null, suddenly breaks free of human control and goes berserk. For what purpose was Another Number – Unit Null created?The story of an Evangelion’s […]

28 Dec 2017

Ryo film work

photo: diva narkotik ©2016 Name: 三堀 亮 Name (romaji): Mitsubori Ryo Profession: Actor Birthdate: 1984 Nov 11 (age 33) Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Height: 173cm [KGVID]http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/yokutomichizure16webrez.mp4[/KGVID] Title: Yokutomichizure (Greed and companion ) director: Yayoi Hori [KGVID]http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/videocompress-067-MOV_0324.mp4[/KGVID] Title: Afternoon Groove (Japanese TV drama) |  IMDB: Hôkago Groove  | asianwiki director :Ken Iizuka | IMDB: Ken Lizuka