[aesop_chapter bgtype=”img” full=”on” img=”http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Goebbels-fauci-zuckerberg-propaganda.jpg” video_autoplay=”play_scroll” bgcolor=”#888888″ revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]
In 2016 an exciting mission was ended. The Rosetta spacecraft made its final manouver. A controlled hard-landing on the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67p). Before that Rosetta accompanied the Comet for more then 2 years. It researched valuable scientific data, brought a lander on to the comets surface and took a vast number of pictures. 2017 Esa released over 400000 images from Rosettas comet mission. Based on these material Motion Designer Christian Stangl and Composer Wolfgang Stangl worked together to create this […]
Nikola Tesla built a tower to broadcast electric power. It failed. Soon, sending power through the air might be the norm Subscribe NOW to The Economist: http://econ.st/1Fsu2Vj The inventor, Nikola Tesla, dreamt of wireless power. Among his work in the realm of electricity he built a coil, later named the Tesla coil, which could illuminate lamps from across a room and throw the occasional bolt of lightning at the nearest conductor. Tesla coils remain popular today, though often for their […]
For three years the SAFIRE Project team has been holding back so as not to overstate what has been happening in the SAFIRE lab. The SAFIRE Project is now able to make a number of definitive statements supported by concrete evidence, statements about: energy production; transmutation/creation of elements; remediation of radioactive materials; and the sun and interstellar medium – “If the process used to create the SAFIRE sun turns out to be similar to the process that creates the real […]
PLASMA COSMOLOGY [Full Infomentary] From wikipedia: Plasma cosmology is a non-standard cosmology whose central postulate is that the dynamics of ionized gases and plasmas play important, if not dominant, roles in the physics of the universe beyond the Solar System. Plasma Cosmology contains interviews with top professors and government scientists, examining the problems with the prevailing dark matter paradigm. Dr. Peratt describes what the government learned and classified during secret nuclear tests underground. ~30 minutes in, the tables turn completely […]
Andrew Hall: Ionic Winds Shaped the Earth | Space News In the first three parts of this presentation, Thunderbolts colleague Andrew Hall has explored the electrical nature of wind and powerful storms on Earth, and on planets throughout the solar system. Of course, geologists tell us that winds played a significant role in shaping the landscape of our planet, supposedly incrementally over countless eons of time. However, as Andrew has proposed in numerous past videos, the Earth’s wind-sheared landscape reveals […]
The Black Hole at the Heart of Astronomy “Astronomical fads have always involved miracle working to some degree, and their discussion in so-called workshops and in the streams of papers that pour into the journals have affinities to the incantations of Macbeth’s witches on the blasted heath.” —Fred Hoyle, Home is where the wind blows. The so-called “queen” of the sciences, cosmology, is founded upon the myth that the weakest force in the universe—gravity—is responsible for forming and shaping galaxies, […]
Irving Wolfe: Introduction to Velikovsky’s Ideas Dr. Irving Wolfe will review Immanuel Velikovsky’s contributions to a broad-ranging discourse in the sciences. Why did Velikovsky’s best-selling Worlds in Collision provoke one of most heated scientific controversies of the 20th century? Why did the gatekeepers of “acceptable” theory feel compelled to mobilize a boycott of the original publisher? And is it possible that Velikovsky’s own perspective on cultural amnesia can help us understand the reactions to his work? Modeling his analysis on […]
NASA’s Juno mission to the gas giant Jupiter has provided data that could rewrite much of planetary science. According to NASA scientists, the conventional theoretical models on the planet’s auroras, its atmosphere, its interior and its magnetic field have found no support at all in the mission’s findings. The consistent theme in the surprises is the extraordinary and conventionally unexpected electromagnetic energies the spacecraft detected. In this episode, Thunderbolts Picture of the Day Managing Editor Stephen Smith offers a succinct […]