
Tag : Dance

03 Dec 2018


[KGVID]http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/RiseUpFinal.mp4[/KGVID] dancer: TALIYA BRIANNA cinematography|edit|direction|concept: KEATH I wanted it to feel like a music box. This choreography was for her college admission audition. the actual piece is more fully developed/performed than what we did here. We were sketching trying to develop a vernacular that fuses her movement with film/video. it was difficult performing in the sand with her footing…but i was really happy with the footage and more importantly just being out there filming with the sisters and mom. it […]

16 Oct 2018

Mizuki Wildenhahn: percussive dance

Photo: AKITOSHI MIZUTANI Studying the form in Madrid, Mizuki Wildenhahn worked as a flamenco dancer in Hamburg, but increasingly combined rhythmic and motor elements of flamenco with genres of other genres in her projects, thus developing her own kind of percussive dance. Today she works with artists of various styles such as Jazz, rock and experimental and freely improvised music more here:http://mizukiwildenhahn.tumblr.com/