
Category : FILM

29 Nov 2018

Special Feature: NEW VIEWS OF THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM — Michael Clarage

The SAFIRE PROJECT at the Electric Universe – United Kingdom International Conference & Symposium 7th – 11th July 2018, Somerset, UK Dr. Michael Clarage talks about his work with SAFIRE from a more philosophical perspective – what an empiricist might ponder outside the lab. He offers some intriguing if not startling observations about the astronomical and the biological, the dead and the living universe. see: www.safireproject.com for project history and details also see: www.electricuniverseuk.eu for additional talks by Wal Thornhill […]

25 Nov 2018


The SAFIRE PROJECT at the Electric Universe – United Kingdom International Conference & Symposium 7th – 11th July 2018, Somerset, UK Montgomery Childs explores the idea of ‘two worlds’, the theoretical and the empirical, and how the SAFIRE PROJECT maintains a sharp eye on the line between. He also offers an intriguing take on SAFIRE methodology – involving a cigar, sailing, and a bit of wind. see: www.safireproject.com for project history and details also see: www.electricuniverseuk.eu for additional talks by […]

26 Oct 2018

midnight silk: ruins

  [aesop_video width=”100%” align=”center” src=”self” hosted=”http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/pinay-fierce_midnight-silk_temecula.mp4″ disable_for_mobile=”on” poster_frame=”http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/midnight-silk-frontis.jpg” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on” viewstart=”on” viewend=”on” revealfx=”inplace” overlay_revealfx=”off”] [aesop_gallery id=”9776″ revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]       [aesop_gallery id=”9748″ revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]

23 Oct 2018

The criminalization of science whistleblowers: A mind-blowing interview with Judy Mikovits, PhD

The criminalization of science whistleblowers: A mind-blowing interview with Judy Mikovits, PhD by: Mike Adams In one of the most shocking science videos you’ll see this year, molecular biologist Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, reveals the disturbing true story of how she was thrown in prison for blowing the whistle on deadly viral contamination of human vaccines. With a well established history of working for the National Cancer Institute as a cancer research, Dr. Mikovits worked with human retroviruses like HIV. […]

22 Oct 2018

Rich Rebuilds Wrecked Teslas

Rich is a car enthusiast whose passion is to find wrecked Teslas, bring them back to life, and then share his repair adventures on his YouTube channel Rich Rebuilds. When he found out that Tesla would not service or support his salvaged cars, he took it upon himself to scour the internet and harvest working parts from several busted Teslas. He Frankensteined them together until his creations were fully operational, at a fraction of what it would cost to buy […]

20 Oct 2018

Peter Mungo Jupp: Instant Fossilization

Peter Mungo Jupp: Instant Fossilization Peter Jupp will discuss petrification as instantaneous and under the control of dynamic Earth-shaking events. What have we found on Earth to demonstrate this hypothesis? A forest of giant trees turned to solid rock. A soft-bodied crab petrified to rock and enclosed in the center of a basalt Thunderegg. Dinosaur remains that conceal a heart replete with chambers but turned to iron. A shoal of fish in their death throes petrified within the limestone. Was […]

16 Oct 2018

Mizuki Wildenhahn: percussive dance

Photo: AKITOSHI MIZUTANI Studying the form in Madrid, Mizuki Wildenhahn worked as a flamenco dancer in Hamburg, but increasingly combined rhythmic and motor elements of flamenco with genres of other genres in her projects, thus developing her own kind of percussive dance. Today she works with artists of various styles such as Jazz, rock and experimental and freely improvised music more here:http://mizukiwildenhahn.tumblr.com/

14 Oct 2018

The Still Unsolved Mystery of the Eugene Signal

Truthstream Media Published on Oct 1, 2018 Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here: https://www.patreon.com/truthstreammedia Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Our Film: TheMindsofMen.net Site: http://TruthstreamMedia.com Twitter: @TruthstreamNews Backup Vimeo: Vimeo.com/truthstreammedia DONATE: http://bit.ly/2aTBeeF Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bbxcWX ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*­~*~*~*~*~ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. […]

10 Oct 2018


The world of Mizuki Wildenhahn (New Westphalian from 06.04.2018) Film premiere: The Bielefeld camera woman and director Beate Middeke portrays a 92-year-old Japanese woman living in Hamburg in her documentary “Frau Wildenhahn”. There are three performances in the lightworks By Anke Groenewold Geisha, Fuji, Harakiri. These three terms came to Germans in the 1970s to Japan. Too little and too much cliché was found by Mizuki Inai, who met and married German documentary filmmaker Klaus Wildenhahn in London in the […]

10 Oct 2018

Heart attack through ‘evil fats’ Dr. Campbell-McBride [1 of 3]

Heart attack through ‘evil fats’? Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride For the last 40-50 years, we have fought against “bad” cholesterol and “evil” fats. Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride explains how useful and healthy cholesterol is for us: it reduces the risk of heart attack, prevents arteriosclerosis and can even increase fertility. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Cambridge, England at the 21st International “New Scientific Outlook” World Congress 2016, Ulm, Germany, 04.11.2016