
Category : erotix

08 Nov 2019

femmerotisexyvision 1992 penthouse comix

femmerotisexyvision 1992 midnight silk 2 the first image …circa 91-92. Midnight silk 2. Tundra was going to publish it..til they punked out. [as usual…generally speaking; american comicbook publishers are not people with much nerve or verve.] Images 2 and 3: PENTHOUSE and PENTHOUSE COMIX ended up publishing some of it. Then the original art got lost [stolen] to the echoes of time. The high point of the story is when I met the late GREAT Moebius / Jean Giraud at […]

16 Dec 2018

Protected: demonia

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

26 Oct 2018

midnight silk: ruins

  [aesop_video width=”100%” align=”center” src=”self” hosted=”http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/pinay-fierce_midnight-silk_temecula.mp4″ disable_for_mobile=”on” poster_frame=”http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/midnight-silk-frontis.jpg” loop=”on” autoplay=”on” controls=”on” viewstart=”on” viewend=”on” revealfx=”inplace” overlay_revealfx=”off”] [aesop_gallery id=”9776″ revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]       [aesop_gallery id=”9748″ revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]

04 Feb 2018

Stitch Fetish 6 hive gallery artwork opening

February 2018 Erotica Group show The syntheticXS crew hung out, digging the scene at the hive gallery premiering Mark Beachum’s Venerea pin up. V, Ryo and Mark made a night of it chewing concepts for upcoming film/manga/comix projects! A good time was had, Mark reestablished contact with Nathan, we met a bunch of eclectic talented artists and got some behind the scene pix for posterity! …We talked with Nathan about somewhere around the corner teaming up to do video featurette […]

28 Dec 2017

synth2 2018 reflux

this is a tangental.hyperlinked.subnet. data contained herein may or may not be linear or accurate. this is your only warning The gynoid synthetic femme project started as a co development project with two goals: a programmable synthetic humanoid for warfare and espionage, as well as a covert political sexual entrapment device in order to maintain corporate control over the tools of government. This subnet contains data relating to the ongoing subversion of human sovereign evolution by government/wexlercorp and their attempt […]

11 Dec 2017


[KGVID]http://synthetikxs.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Flare-Gothik-DIVA.mp4[/KGVID] …refluxing the FLARE film!   [aesop_gallery id=”9004″ revealfx=”fromleft”]

30 Dec 2016


eNigma [exteriorz] | the lost sessions …once upon a time in the land of make believe things often don’t turn out the way you thought they would… but the moments remain beautiful, frozen in timeless memory nyc circa 1998 velvia.canonAE1 yukari [aesop_gallery id=”38″ revealfx=”inplaceslow”]